01 Nov 2021 | Nascer

Auctioneer before the Tribunal de Contas da União (Federal Account Tribunal). Internal Auditor for Public Services Qualities. Member of the Special Committee of Proposals for Public Partnerships and Agreements as well as member of the Special Committee of Research and Post-Graduate program at OAB/SP (Brazilian Bar Association / São Paulo). Advisor and teacher at the Escola Superior de Gestão e Contas Públicas Conselheiro Eurípedes Sales, of the Tribunal de Contas do Município de São Paulo/SP. (Account Tribunal of São Paulo City).

Alessandra’s actuation is emphasided in Public Law practices in connection, but not limited, to public management and public policies, public biddings, public contracts, public server´s matters, legislative process and related technics, internal and external controls to the Public Administration.

She also attends numerous conferences as a guest speaker, addressing a variety of legal topics such as Public Bidding, Law, Constitucional and Administrative Reformation, Public Budget and Fiscal Responsability etc.

Alessandra is faculty guest in the law graduate program at the Faculdade de Direito do Largo São Francisco da Universidade de São Paulo and at the post-graduate programs at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.