01 Nov 2021 | Nascer

MBA with focus on Business Law and a specialization course in Mediation, both granted by Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV. Post-graduate diploma (latu sensu) in Civil Procedure and Contract Law, and a post-graduate diploma (latu sensu) in Contracts with the Public Administration, both granted by Instituto Internacional de Ciências Sociais. Post-graduate diploma (latu sensu) in Civil Procedure Law obtained from CPPG at UniFMU.

Ulisses teaches in the post-graduate program in Real Estate Management at ESPM (School of Advertising and Marketing) and in the Rental Administration program at Universidade Secovi-SP. He also coordinates and teaches at the Real Estate Business program at Secovi-RS. He was a faculty member at Faculdade de Administração de Empresas da Universidade Santo Amaro/SERASA (College of Business Administration at Santo Amaro University) from 2002 to 2008.

Ulisses is also a member of the Urban Law Commission at OAB/SP (Brazilian Bar Association / São Paulo).

Mr. Penachio has worked at the law office of Duarte Garcia, Caselli Guimarães e Terra Advogados for five years. He was a co-founder at Navarro Advogados where he has collaborated with his expertise for 14 years as the leader of litigation matters.

Has broad experience in negotiations, advisory and litigation matters, acting before the courts and administrative authorities, with an emphasis on Public Law issues.

Contestant at the Real Estate Master Award in 2013. He participated in the Professionals category / Legal Solutions area, with the study “Viabilização de Empreendimentos Considerados Polos Geradores de Tráfego” (“Feasibility of Developments Considered Traffic Generating Hubs”, free translation), in reference to a development named “WTorre Plaza” (Torre Santander, JK Iguatemi Shopping).